Do you know what are facts and what are myths?

Most of the behaviour modifications are considered myths unless scientific evidence is provided. For some behaviour modifications there is insufficient evidence from good clinical studies, but some recommendations are supported by expert and patient experiences. All behavioural changes are grouped below into 3 categories.

Behavioural changes

Good evidence logo

Good evidence and recommended behavioural change

Drinking higher amounts of fluids (>1.5l per day, in addition to usual intake) to promote frequent regular voiding thus, bacterial pathogen wash out

Behavioural changes

Insufficient evidence logo

Insufficient evidence from good clinical studies, but recommended based on expert and patient experiences

Urinating regularly and not withholding urination

Drinking orange juice which contains vitamin C

Urinating after sexual activity

Genitals washed before and after sexual activity

Wiping from front to back

Behavioural changes

No evidence logo

Insufficient evidence from good clinical studies and no evidence based on expert

Avoidance of tight underwear and clothing

No pubic hair removal

Not sitting on any coldsurface

Not getting cold (feet)

Not using public toilets

OM Pharma Logo

The RECAP board is a panel of international experts in urological infections. The opinions presented within this educational material are those of the RECAP board and not those of OM Pharma. Members of the RECAP board include: Jose Tiran Saucedo (Mexico), Yvette León (Mexico), Gernot Bonkat (Switzerland), Kurt G. Naber (Germany), Florian ME. Wagenlehner (Germany), J C. Nickel (Canada), Flavia Rossi (Brazil), Enrique Ubertazzi (Argentina), Agnaldo L. da Silva Filho (Brazil), Tamara S. Perepanova (Russia), Jose Antonio Ortega Martell (Mexico) & Seung-Ju Lee (Korea), Bela Köves (Hungary) & Tommaso Cai (Italy).

Patient version : MED-HQ-UV-2100071 / HCP version : MED-HQ-UV-2100070
Date of preparation: December 2021