Introducing RECAP

recurrent urinary tract infections

There is a need to fill the gap between doctors’ perceptions and patients’ needs in the field of recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (rUTIs).

urology international experts

The REcurrent Cystitis Awareness Program (RECAP) board is a panel of 10+ international experts in urological infections, who have worked together to develop this educational tool summarising the latest data on diagnosis, management and prevention of rUTIs.

awareness cystitis

Raise awareness of rUTIs, with a focus on recurrent cystitis as well as creating medical ambassadors able to spread knowledge of best practice in the management of cystitis, to lower disease burden on healthcare systems and patients.

Disease management

By achieving consensus on disease management, disseminating guidelines, promoting the use in clinical practice of simple tools for diagnosis and risk prediction and by helping patients to seek the best care possible.


Improve the dialogue between doctors and patients, as well as their quality of life!

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The RECAP board is a panel of international experts in urological infections. The opinions presented within this educational material are those of the RECAP board and not those of OM Pharma. Members of the RECAP board include: Jose Tiran Saucedo (Mexico), Yvette León (Mexico), Gernot Bonkat (Switzerland), Kurt G. Naber (Germany), Florian ME. Wagenlehner (Germany), J C. Nickel (Canada), Flavia Rossi (Brazil), Enrique Ubertazzi (Argentina), Agnaldo L. da Silva Filho (Brazil), Tamara S. Perepanova (Russia), Jose Antonio Ortega Martell (Mexico) & Seung-Ju Lee (Korea), Bela Köves (Hungary) & Tommaso Cai (Italy).

Patient version : MED-HQ-UV-2100071 / HCP version : MED-HQ-UV-2100070
Date of preparation: December 2021